2029年5月7日 星期一

Reading paper list

about 802.16e sleeping scheduling

[15]. Jianbin Xue, Zhanting Yuan, QiuYu Zhang," Traffic Load-Aware Power-saving Mechanism for IEEE 802.16e Sleep Mode," Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing 2008.

[14].Gary K. W. Wong, Qian Zhang, Danny H. K. Tsang," Switching Cost Minimization in the IEEE 802.16e Mobile WiMAX Sleep Mode Operation," Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications, and Systems 2009.

[13]. Wen-Hwa Liao, Nien-Tsung Lee, "An Integrated Power Saving Scheduling Algorithm in 802.16e Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks," Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications, and Systems 2008.

[12]. Wen-Hwa Liao, Wen-Ming Yena, "Power-saving scheduling with a QoS guarantee in a mobile WiMAX system,"Journal of Network and Computer Applications (23 June 2009),Volume 32 , Pages: 1144-1152.

[11]. Chia-Yen Lin, Hsi-Lu Chao, Yang-Jang Liao, Tzu-Jane Tsai, "Least-Awake-Frame Scheduling with Delay Guarantee for IEEE 802.16e Broadband Wireless Access Networks,"Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2008. PIMRC 2008

[10]. Woo Jin Jung, Hyung Joo Ki, Tae-Jin Lee, and Min Young Chung, "Adaptive Sleep Mode Algorithm in IEEE 802.16e," Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications 2007

[9]. Yuen-fu Chiu,"IPSS : Integrated Power Saving Scheduling Algorithm for IEEE 802.16 PMP Network 應用於IEEE 802.16網路之整合性節能演算法," The Master's Thesis of Institute of Computer & Communication in NCKU,July 2008.

[8]. J.J Chen,S.L Wu,and S.W Wang, “Power Saving Class Management for Energy Saving in IEEE 802.16e Wireless Networks,” 2009 Tenth International Conference on Mobile Data Management : System,Service and Middleware, pp.490-495,2009.

[7]. Li-Hsing Yen, Chih-Yuan Cheng, and Chun-Hsin Wang, “Sleep Scheduling That Minimizes State Transitions for IEEE 802.16e Mobile Subscriber Stations,” The First International Workshop on Networks & Communications (NeCoM-2009) , Beijing, China, June 2009.

[6]. G. Fang, E. Dutkiewicz, Y. Sun, J. Zhou, J. Shi, and Z. Li, “Improving Mobile Station Energy Efficiency in IEEE 802.16e WMAN by Burst Scheduling,” Proceeding of the International Conference on IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM) , Dec. 2006.

[5]. Shiao-Li Tsao and You-Lin Chen Energy , “Energy Efficient Integrated Scheduling of Unicast and Multicast Traffic in 802.16e WMANs,” Global Telecommunications Conference, 2007. GLOBECOM apos;07. IEEE Volume , Issue , 26-30 Nov. 2007 Page(s):3478 - 3482

[4]. Jaehyuk Jang , Kwanghun Han and Sunghyun Choi , “Adaptive Power Saving Strategies for IEEE 802.16e Mobile oadband Wireless Access,” Proc. APCC 2006 , Aug. 2006.

[3]. Shih-Chang Huang, Rong-Hong Jan , and Chien Chen , “Energy Efficient Scheduling with QoS Guarantee for IEEE 802.16e oadband Wireless Access Networks,” International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2007) , 2007 August. (NSC 95-2219-E-009-008, NSC 95-2752-E-009-005-PAE, and III 95C504)

[2]. Shiao-Li Tsao and You-Lin Chen , “Energy-efficient packet scheduling algorithms for real-time communications in a mobile WiMAX system,” Computer Communications , Volume 31 , Issue 10 , Pages 2350-2359 , June 2008.

[1]. Hsin-Lung Tseng; Yu-Pin Hsu; Chung-Hsien Hsu; Po-Hsuan Tseng; Kai-Ten Feng , “A Maximal Power-Conserving Scheduling Algorithm for oadband Wireless Networks,” Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2008 . WCNC 2008. IEEE Volume , Issue , March 31 2008-April 3 2008 Page(s):1877 - 1882

about Mesh Networks

[7]. T.Liu and Wanjiun Liao , “Capacity-Aware routing in multi-channel multi-rate wireless mesh networks,” IEEE ICC 2006 , Jun. 2006.

[6]. T.Liu and Wanjiun Liao , “Interference-Aware QoS routing in IEEE 802.11 multi-channel multi-rate wireless mesh networks,” IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications , vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 2009.

[5]. T.Liu and Wanjiun Liao , “On routing in multichannel wireless mesh networks: challenges and solutions,” IEEE Network , Jan. 2006.

[4]. Wai-Hong Tam and Yu-Chee Tseng, “Joint Multi-Channel Link Layer and Multi-Path Routing Design for Wireless Mesh Networks,” IEEE INFOCOM , pp.2081-2089 , May 2007.

[3]. Ashisa Raniwala , Kartik Gopalan and Tzi-cker Chiueh ,“Centralized Channel Assignment and Routing Algorithms for Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks,” ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review , Volume 8 , Issue 2 , April 2004.

[2]. Joseph D. Camp and Edward W. Knightly , “The IEEE 802.11s Extended Service Set Mesh Networking Standard,” IEEE Communications Magazine , vol. 46, pp. 120-126, August 2008.

[1]. M. Bahr Information & Communications, and Muunchen , " Proposed Routing for IEEE 802.11s WLAN Mesh Networks,” ACM , no. 5, 2006.

about WiMax

[2]. A. Ghosh et. al. , “Broadband wireless access with WiMax/802.16: Current performance benchmarks and future potential,” IEEE Commun. Mag. , vol. 43, no. 2, Feb. 2005, pp. 129-36.

[1]. C. Eklund et al., “IEEE 802.16: A technical overview of the WirelessMAN air interface for oadband wireless access,” IEEE Commun. Mag. , vol. 40, no. 6, June 2002, pp. 98-107.

about ZigBee

[1]. Li-Hsing Yen and Wei-Ting Tsai , “The Room Shortage Problem of Tree-Based ZigBee IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Networks,"

2011年1月30日 星期日

如何在B&H購物網站上購買Nikon 24mm F1.4G ?

原文 : http://www.mobile01.com/topicdetail.php?f=248&t=1968098

B&H購物網站 : http://www.bhphotovideo.com/

注意事項 :

  1. 在點選完選購的物品之後,要結帳的時候可以選擇國家,這時候選台灣,就能知道運費。買越多省越多...
  2. 5%營業稅 + 0%關稅。請參考 http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2010/new/may/12/today-e10.htm
  3. 物品本身價格加運費後就是完稅價格,完稅價格乘上進口稅率(這裡是5%)得到的是進口稅,完稅價格加上進口稅之後總數乘上5%得到的是營業稅。
  4. 有些鏡頭項目上寫USA,代表的是美國公司貨 ; 有些寫imported,代表是水貨。
  5. 因為店家會把訂單上的地址資訊,與刷卡中心的資料做核對,因此地址一定要寫"帳單的地址",
    相同的,B&H核對中心也會請客戶提供相關資料,這是 address verification的步驟。

    等B&H確認訂單地址之後, 只要打電話給運送的UPS(台灣),告知UPS提單號碼,相關的核對資料後,請他傳"更改地址授權書",填妥後回傳,便能改送至其它地址。

2010年6月28日 星期一


作者 : JOJOJIMJIM in ptt


2010年6月1日 星期二

使用serial console線登入Nortel switch的注意事項

1. Nortel的產品是使用 straight-throught RS-232 serial cable & 9600-8-N-1-N 來做console port的連線.

2. 當連線後,發現畫面郤沒有跑出來,像是↓↓↓這個樣子,

此時就按 Ctrl + Y,接著就看到登入畫面了。

3. 會有這樣的情況的原因是,實際上在登入前,預設會有顯示一個banner畫面,
而此banner畫面只接受 Ctrl + Y 這組鍵盤輸入,其餘概不接受,

此時不論鍵盤再怎麼亂按,畫面就是都沒反應,除非要按Ctrl + Y才行。

之前也是有用console線進到Cisco、Nortel L4 switch、Extreme & ...etc...的設備改設定,但都沒有這樣的情況,
只要console線接好(前提是RS-232 serial cable 不要拿錯,因為有straight-through & cross-over之分),


2010年5月6日 星期四

Switching Cost Minimization in the IEEE 802.16e Mobile WiMAX Sleep Mode Operation

前言 :

802.16e標準的睡眠模式 : 當MS進入休眠模式(sleep mode)後,如果BS有需要將資料送給MS,則BS會在MS的listening interval階段,送出 MOB_TRF-IND = positive 的訊息給MS,而MS也會在listen window階段甦醒過來,以接受BS所送出的訊息 ; 反之,若BS沒有資料需傳給MS,則BS會在MS的listening interval階段,送出 MOB_TRF-IND = negative的訊息給MS。

一但MS收到MOB_TRF-IND = positive的訊息後,MS就會離開sleep mode而進入normal mode.

WAKSLP_DECISION Algorithm : 當MS收到MOB_TRF-IND = positive的訊息後,便會執行WAKSLP_DECISION Algorithm,而MS再根據WAKSLP_DECISION Algorithm執行後的結果(Sleep = 0 或 Sleep = 1),決定接下來要繼續維持sleep mode,或是進入normal mode.

WAKSLP_DECISION Algorithm 用來決定是否要甦醒過來的三個判斷條件 :
  1. 如果MS多睡一次sleeping interval的時間,則造成BS會 Buffer Overflow的機率 MS所自行定義的上限值
  2. 如果MS多睡一次sleeping interval的時間之後醒過來,則全部沒有被傳送到的封包(Buffer內的封包 & 在這個 sleeping interval所到達的封包)的delay時間 MS所自行定義的上限值
  3. 如果MS在多睡一次sleeping interval後醒過來,接著需要去處理所有放在BS Buffer內的packet,以及在這段sleeping interval時間所到達的封包 ,這時所需的耗電量 MS目前剩下的電源 - MS睡眠時的耗電量 - MS在做狀態轉換時所需的耗電量
當上述這3個不等式全部都成立時,即使MS有收到MOB_TRF-IND = positive的訊息,那麼MS就繼續維持sleep mode,而不wake up進入normal mode.

若這3個不等式,只要有其中一個不成立,則MS就必需甦醒過來進入normal mode.

Probability of Buffer Overflow :
如果MS多睡一次sleeping interval的時間,恰巧在這段時間,又有其它人要將資料傳給MS,則此時就會先將封包暫存在BS的Buffer內。而因為BS的buffer是有限的,所以MS必需去計算,多睡這一次sleeping interval的時間,是否會有可能造成BS buffer overflow.

Expected Delay Violation :
如果MS在多睡一次sleeping interval的時間之後醒過來,此時MS除了必需去處理原先被暫存在buffer內封包之外,還得再去處理於此次sleeping interval時間所到達的封包,
這2種類型的封包,都會有延遲產生,則MS必需去確認這些被延遲到的封包,是否有違反了delay constraint。

Battery Lifetime Expiry :
如果MS在多睡一次sleeping interval的時間之後醒過來,此時MS除了必需去處理原先被暫存在buffer內封包之外,還得再去處理於此次sleeping interval時間所到達的封包,做這2個動作都會耗電,而目前剩下的電量,是否足以應付??

2010年3月1日 星期一

Least-Awake-Frame Scheduling with Delay Guarantee for IEEE 802.16e Broadband Wireless Access Networks

前言 :
由於之前所提出來的研究,多是在UGS service class做探討,而目前實際的使用環境,郤不僅僅只限於單一種service class,而是混合式的使用環境。
所以此篇文章的目的,在於提出一個適用於UGS, rtPS, nrtPS & BE service classes的方法(Least-Awake-Frame Scheduling, LAFS)。
其設計理念,也是將awake frame及sleep frame先去重新排程再合併。

Basic idea of LAFS :
先處理MSS的UGS連線,從該MSS所有的UGS連線中,找出這些連線當中共同可以甦醒起來做事的時間點,也就是awake frame,將這些awake frame定義為awake-frame candidate set。

然後再針對MSS的rtPS及nrtPS連線,去決定sleep interval及awake interval要多長。

最後根據awake-frame candidate set及sleep/awake interval,兩者取交集,找出真正要甦醒的awake frame.

Q & A :

Q1 : 由於AS及PS是專為UGS連線所設計的,所以只產生UGS連線,讓LAFS、PS及PS做比較,
而在實驗結果當中,為何LAFS的percentage of sleep frame會比PS及AS來得好?

A1 : .........................................................................................